1.2 release

Greetings all!

I’m pleased to say 1.2 has finally been released! With roughly 26k words continuing the story with new Bgs, Cgs, and characters. All previous update content has also been updated to match the new standard I have set going forward. This should allow me to release updates more frequently without having to polish huge areas of the VN each time. Nothing is still set in stone are far as visuals go, but im sure many will prefer this new look is better as a base line to continue the story with while things are updated overtime. Make sure to join the discord for after the Patreon page is live in the coming weeks with content, the link on itchio will be removed. Stay tuned for more since another update is scheduled to release by the end of May on Patreon for early access. 


WeightOfTheWorld-1.2-pc.zip 126 MB
May 13, 2024
WeightOfTheWorld-1.2-mac.zip 121 MB
May 13, 2024
WeightOfTheWorld-1.2-linux.tar.bz2 107 MB
May 13, 2024

Get Weight Of The World


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Hello, I like this visual novel but I have a question, is the story linear or will it have routes? Although it would be interesting if the MC had more than one boyfriend in the future.

The story is linear but will play out like routes in certain ways

Oh okay, and then the MC will have a romantic encounter with just one character in the story or more than one character ?

that kinda enters spoiler territory, sorry

I understand, well thanks for responding and good luck with your visual novel :)

Not including any actual story info because I'm not asking for spoilers in any way, is it a single romance plot? You said it will 'play out like routes in certain ways' but does that mean the player has an actual impact on romance or is it set in stone? I like to have some idea what kind of game I'm getting into before committing to an entire VN.

(1 edit)

I understand, the player will have impact in certain areas of the story that will effect how far the characters relationship  grows with the MC. Yet keep in mind this is still a linear story with a interest “set in stone”